Life Care Plan Rebuttal

Life Care Plan rebuttals or critiques are offered by Dawn Cook who will review and provide comments on a Life Care Plan developed by other life care planner.

The rebuttal report will include opinions on the items included in the plaintiff life care plan and whether or not they are reasonable and necessary.  Changes may be suggested, alternatives recommended, or items may be suggested to be removed from the life care plan.


A life care plan rebuttal is a defense analysis and critique of a life care plan created for a plaintiff.

A defense life care planner reviews the plan created to assist in determining if the plan for future care is medically reasonable and necessary and if the costs are usual, reasonable and customary.

The plaintiff life care plan; medical records, depositions of the plaintiff and family/caregivers, expert reports and depositions.

A rebuttal will include opinions on the items included in the plaintiff life care plan and whether or not they are reasonable and necessary. Changes may be suggested, alternatives recommended, or items may be suggested to be removed from the life care plan.