Life Care Plans
Dawn Cook has completed over 900 Life Care Plans for plaintiff and defense attorneys. The American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners (AANLCP) defines a life care plan as outlining an individual’s needs throughout the healthcare continuum, in multiple settings, and throughout life expectancy. A Life Care Plan must be flexible, with provisions for periodic re-evaluations and updates. Source: American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners Scope and Standards
A life care plan is created by a professional such as a Registered Nurse who has a certification in life care planning, such as a Certified Nurse Life Care Planner (CNLCP) and/or a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP). The plan will include all future medical care a patient needs and can have medical evaluations and office visits, therapy, diagnostic testing, surgeries and procedures, rehab, equipment and supplies. The life care plan can also include personal care and home/yard maintenance, transportation, home modifications, and anything else anticipated or deemed necessary for that individual. Each life care plan is unique to that patient’s medical needs.
The plan is organized, typically in easy-to-interpret tables that indicate the frequency, duration, replacement intervals, and an estimate of the reasonable costs of each item.
Who Needs a Life Care Plan?
Life Care Plans are developed for individuals with injuries or chronic conditions requiring complex long-term healthcare intervention and management. The report provides an organized, concise plan that estimates the reasonable and necessary current and future healthcare needs with the associated costs.

Life Care Plan Rebuttal
Life Care Plan rebuttals or critiques are offered by Dawn Cook who will review and provide comments on a Life Care Plan developed by other life care planner.
The rebuttal report will include opinions on the items included in the plaintiff life care plan and whether or not they are reasonable and necessary. Changes may be suggested, alternatives recommended, or items may be suggested to be removed from the life care plan.
A Life Care Plan Can Be Helpful For:
- Traumatic and Anoxic Brain Injuries
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Birth Injuries
- Burns
- Amputations
- Neck and Back Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Upper and Lower Extremity Injuries
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy
- Dental Injuries
- Multiple Trauma
- And more…
Dawn Cook’s Presentations on Life Care Planning
- “Life Care Planning and Past Medical Bill Analysis, a Primer for Legal Nurse Consultants.” American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, Bay Area Chapter of Northern California, April 12, 2022, virtual meeting, USA.
- “Spinal Cord Stimulators.” American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners, January 12, 2022, webinar, USA.
- “Pain Management Procedures and Medical Coding.” American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners, Fall Conference, November 4, 2021. Virtual conference, USA.
- “Transplantation Costs and Litigation, Valuing the Lifetime Cost of Organ Transplantation.” International Transplantation Nurse Society annual conference, June 26, 2017. Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
- “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Nurse Life Care Planning.” American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners, February 7, 2016. San Antonio, Texas.
- “How to Select a Life Care Planning Expert Witness.” Las Vegas Valley Paralegal Association, October 15, 2015. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Pain Management.” American Society of Pain Management Nursing. September 19, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia.
- “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Life Care Planning.” Executive Forum for Lifetime Nurse Care Planners, May 3, 2015. Honolulu, Hawaii.
- “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome for Legal Nurse Consultants.” American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, April 18, 2015. Indianapolis, Indiana